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About Autism

There are many people who live with a disability whether it is a physical, mental, or a social disability. Autism is a disability that affects many people in the United States and throughout the world. Autism can affect people in many ways with different levels of severity. It is a spectrum with severe cases on one end and mild cases on the other end. There are many different symptoms and characteristics that a person can have, which determines the severity of the disability. Many people with Autism need medical treatment involving treatments, therapy, medication, or a combination of all three.

Autism Definition and Causes

According to Autism Speaks, autism or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is “a range of conditions characterized by challenges with social skills, repetitive behaviors, speech and nonverbal communication”. It is a social disability affecting a person’s social and communication skills. It causes a person to have varying difficulties socializing and communicating with other people. There are many types on the spectrum that are, “caused by different combinations of genetic and environmental influences” (Autism Speaks). It cannot be completely prevented because there is no specific cause for all the forms.

There are many challenges and strengths that can vary for each individual with ASD (Autism Speaks). This makes it difficult to determine specific ways to improve the lives for each person, so it must be determined on an individual basis. Autism Speaks states signs become noticeable at two or three years old and “some developmental delays associated with autism can be identified and addressed even earlier”. This fact makes it important for parents to be aware of ASD symptoms, so they know when to have their child checked so their child can receive treatment.


The prevalence of ASD has increased in recent years. According to the CDC, the prevalence has gone up from 6.7 per 1000 children in 2000 to 14.6 in 2012. Possible reason for this increase could be a combination of better methods of diagnosis, increasing population, and a general increase in cases. In 2012, it affected 14.6 per 1000 children or 1 in 68 children (CDC). That is a high number of cases but that does not tell just how many people have it.

The AFAA states “it is estimated that about 1.5 million people in the U.S. have an autism spectrum disorder (ASD)”. That is just an estimate, but it gives an idea of just how many people are living with ASD. It affects 1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls and occurs in “all racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic groups” (CDC). There is about a 1 to 2 percent prevalence in other countries according to studies in Asia, Europe, and North America (CDC). This means all groups of people can be affected by ASD even though it is more prevalent among boys. It is a disability that all people should be aware of because it has a chance to affect any child.

Symptoms and Characteristics

There are several symptoms or characteristics that an individual with ADS can display with different levels of severity, which may indicate the type someone has. As stated before, it is a social disability, which causes difficulties for an individual to communicate and interact with others. According to NIMH, other symptoms associated with ASD are repetitive behavior and limited interests or activities. Another possible symptom listed by the Australian National University is, “sensory sensitivities, i.e. over or under sensitivity to sight, touch, taste, smell, sound, temperature or pain”. Having more than one of these symptoms can increase the severity of social and communication difficulties a person may have.

Symptoms can change from person to person with some having only one symptom or others having all symptoms. There are people with ASD who are mildly impaired and those who are severely disabled. There are varying affects to one’s “ability to function socially, at school or work, or other areas of life” (NIMH). This could make it difficult knowing an individual’s exact severity until the symptoms are present. The repetitive behavior mentioned earlier could include “repeating certain behaviors or having unusual behaviors; having overly focused interests, such as with moving objects or parts of objects; having a lasting, intense interest in certain topics, such as numbers, details, or facts” (NIMH).

Difficulties and Strengths

People with ASD could have difficulty adjusting to changes in their routine, being in overly stimulating settings, and making eye contact (NIMH). These are more detailed behaviors someone with autism could have, which can make it easier for parents to identify whether their child has autism. One may draw a conclusion that people with ASD have difficult lives but that is not necessarily true. Symptoms and behaviors can differ for each individual where some may only need some treatment, or some may need a lot. There are some people with ASD that could even have strengths.

Strengths according to NIMH could include above average intelligence (46% according to the CDC), learning detailed information, remembering information, good at learning visual and auditory information, and “exceling in math, science, music, or art”. Another common disability associated with autism is Asperger’s syndrome, which a part of the spectrum. Individuals with Asperger’s usually have average to above average intelligence with difficulty forming friendships, communicating, listening, understanding rules of social behavior, taking criticism, and having a small amount of interests ( A person with Asperger’s may have these possible difficulties in varying degrees with symptoms being similar but less severe to symptoms a person with autism may have.

Possible Treatments

It is important for people with ASD to be diagnosed young, so they can begin receiving treatments that will improve their lives. Treatments include behavior approaches, communication approaches, and medication (CDC). One treatment is Applied Behavior Analysis, which involves improving behavior and communication skills by encouraging positive behaviors and discouraging negative ones (CDC). According to the CDC DIR improves emotional and relational development, TEAACH uses visual cues, occupational therapy teaches basic life skills, sensory integration therapy helps with sensory information, speech therapy improves verbal communication, and PECS uses picture symbols.

These are multiple different therapies that can help improve communication skills or alleviate some symptoms for children with autism. These therapies can also be used to improve the skills a child needs in everyday life, so they can be as independent as possible when they are adults. Unfortunately, medication cannot cure or treat ASD, but it can help with other secondary symptoms to “help manage high energy levels, inability to focus, depression, or seizures” (CDC). Treating the secondary conditions can be useful because alleviating some of the difficulties a person with ASD may have will decrease the amount of discomforts they may have.


Autism spectrum disorder is a range of disabilities affecting many children and adults. It includes different types of autism and Asperger’s syndrome. It is important for a child to be diagnosed as young as possible, so they can receive therapies and medication that will improve their lives. There are no cures for ASD, but there are different treatments that can improve the lives of those affected by the disability. This would allow for children with ASD to live as independently as possible when they become adults. It is important for people with ASD to receive the help they need so they can face less difficulties and have the possibility of some or a lot of independence.


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