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Video Games and Violence
There have been many tragic mass shootings in recent years, which has led some people to blame violent video games. Video games are a...

A Look at Civil Asset Forfeiture
There many rights citizens of the United States have that are protected by the U.S constitution with several amendments. There are three...

The Student Loan Crisis
There have been many economic struggles throughout the United States history. The Great Depression in 1929 and the housing crash in 2008...

Hurricanes Facts
There are many natural disasters that affect the world every year and hurricanes are an example of a destructive natural disaster. It...

Rising Pharmaceutical Drug Prices
There are many problems with the healthcare system in the U.S. and one major problem is rising rising prices for pharmaceutical drugs....

The Importance of Unions
There are benefits working people have that many may take for granted. Some examples would be minimum wage, eight-hour work days, or good...

The Importance of State and Local Elections
People become interested in politics every four years because of the national elections and more specifically the presidential election....

The Gun Debate
There are subjects that are heavily debated, which many people avoid discussing. Examples of this are religion and issues surrounding...

Money in United States Politics
During an election year, which was just last year, you may notice numerous campaign commercials for each candidate and you may wonder how...

Government Spending: Corporations and Military
There are many people who feel there is too much government money being spent on welfare, but there are many other areas that receive...
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